HisClay Story
In 2003, HisClay Ministries began as a web-based ministry. The ministry origins were inspired by a verse of scripture found in Isaiah 64:8; "Lord, you are the Potter and we are the clay, we are all formed by your loving hands." It was this scripture verse that inspired the vision of a Potter's Den and after 3 months of creative web design and programming, the Potter’s Den was finalized and the website ready for public view. People everywhere now had access to the gospel message via the ministry website; HisClay.org
Once the website was completed, ministry cards were created to be used as an evangelism tool to share the gospel message. These cards became the way in which many Christians could simply share their faith with family, friends and co-workers by directing them to a unique web-based resource that could offer some life changing insight into the Christian faith.
In 2006, the ministry gave birth to the “ALL IN” Mission. The "ALL IN" mission represents God's desire for His people to be "ALL IN" in their passion and commitment to serve and follow Him. Much like the “Texas Hold ‘Em” reference, “ALL IN” is a picture of moving the “chips of life” (finances, relationships, career, struggles, etc) into the center of the proverbial table and giving it all to God! “ALL IN” awareness bands and “ALL IN” chips were created and distributed in an effort to serve as reminders of God's call to be "ALL IN" for Him.
In 2007, HisClay Ministries began conducting men's events, such as breakfast events, area retreats and speaking engagements at area churches as a way to share the "ALL IN" mission with men everywhere. These gatherings served as a way to bring men together and encourage them in their faith, as well as connect them to other men who are searching for ways to find "ALL IN" Community. HisClay then began partnering with area churches and ministries in an effort to bring the “ALL IN” message to couples, families, communities and people everywhere.
Today, HisClay Ministries is promoting the gospel message through the HisClay website, as well as through public speaking venues encouraging and inspiring people through the “ALL IN” message. The "ALL IN" mission is not only about changing the lives of men; it is about bringing real and meaningful change to people everywhere via the gospel message. Through the efforts of the ministry, God is truly "shaping" the lives of His people much the same way a potter shapes the clay. As it states in scripture, we ALL are His Clay!
Thank you for reading the HisClay story. We invite you to explore the HisClay website and to share this wonderful resource with others in your life!
Are you “ALL IN?